Prof. Marilyne Andersen
Full Professor and Head of Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design as well as academic director of Smart Living Lab at EPFL, Switzerland
Full Professor and Head of Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design as well as academic director of Smart Living Lab at EPFL, Switzerland
Operational director of Smart Living Lab at EPFL, Switzerland
Module coordinator for the “Powering the City” research module in Future Cities Lab Global and Senior researcher at ETHZ Chair of Architecture and Building Systems, Switzerland
CISBAT Conference Manager, Smart Living Lab, EPFL, Switzerland
Information available soon.
Head of Building2050 group at Smart Living Lab / EPFL, Switzerland
Associate professor at EPFL Structural Exploration Lab, Switzerland
Associate Professor at University of Applied Sciences and Architecture Fribourg
Senior researcher in Energy Informatics at IDIAP Research Institute, Switzerland
Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, Head of Laboratory of Integrated Comfort Engineering
Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, Head of Human Oriented Built Environment Lab
Specialist in Smart Buildings, Data Scientist Lead at Youtube and Data Manager at EPFL Laboratory for Integrated Performance in Design (LIPID). CISBAT 2021 & 2023 Associate Editor
Assistant Professor at EPFL, Director of Civil Engineering and Technology for Human-Oriented Sustainability Lab (ETHOS)
Research and Teaching Associate at EPFL Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design (LIPID)
Head of Building2050 group at Smart Living Lab / EPFL, Switzerland
Assistant Professor in the 3D geoinformation research group, Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment at Delft University
Scientist and lead for Digital Twin research at the Urban Energy Systems Lab at EMPA.
Full Professor of Architectural Physics at UC Louvain and Head of the Louvain research institute for Landscape, Architecture, Built environment (LAB).
Professor and Co-head of Centre of Building Technologies and Processes at ZHAW School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering
Senior researcher at EPFL Structural Xploration Lab, Fribourg
Associate Professor in Architecture and Associate Dean (Education) at the University of Sidney School of Architecture, Design and Planning, Co-chair of the cluster Building Efficiencies of the Smart Sustainable Building Network
CTO at Planeto, a University of Geneva Spin-off focused on the digitalisation and the design of sustainable district heating and cooling networks in buildings and cities
Assistant Professor in the Human-Technology Interaction Group at Eindhoven University of Technology
Professor of Architectural Engineering at Cambridge University
Associate professor at HEIA Fribourg, Switzerland
Assistant instructional professor at University of Wyoming, USA
Assistant professor of Circular Engineering for Architecture at ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Assistant professor at EPFL Structural Xploration Lab, Switzerland
Professor of Innovative and Industrial Construction at TU Delft, The Netherlands
Assistant Professor in Architecture, Cornell University, USA
Head of the Department Solar Buildings, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy, FhG ISE, Germany
Head of Advancing Life Cycle Assessment (ALCA) research group at EMPA
Assistant Professor, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Building Technology and Sustainable Building at Chalmers University as well as Founder and R&D Head of CAALA
Assistant Professor at Lund University, Division of Building Physics
Associate Professor in the Automatic Control Laboratory at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
Associate Professor at University of Applied Sciences and Architecture Fribourg
Senior researcher in Energy Informatics at IDIAP Research Institute, Switzerland
Jack and Kay Hockema Associate Professor in Civil Engineering at Purdue University, USA
Professor for Architecture and Intelligent Living at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, Head of Laboratory of Integrated Comfort Engineering
Tenure Track Assistant Professor at EPFL, Head of Human Oriented Built Environment Lab
Specialist in Smart Buildings, Data Scientist Lead at Youtube and Data Scientist at EPFL Laboratory for Integrated Performance in Design (LIPID). CISBAT 2021 & 2023 Associate Editor
Associate Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Research at NTNU Department of Architecture and Technology
Assistant Professor at the Department of the Built Environment at National University of Singapore
Assistant Professor, University College London, UK
Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin and head of the Intelligent Environments Laboratory
Senior researcher at the Department of Informatics and the Human-IST Institute, University of Fribourg
Tyndall National Institute, Ireland, Head of Energy Research, and TU Dublin, Professor of Solar Energy Applications as well as former President of Dublin Institute of Technology. Editor-in-Chief of Foundations and Trends in Renewable Energy, Honorary professor of Harbin Institute of Technology, University of Ulster, University of Houston and Bejing Wuzi University.
Professor at University of Geneva, Chair for Energy Efficiency
Principal Investigator of the radiantlab and an Assistant Professor of Architectural Engineering at Oregon State University, USA
Professor of Architecture and Engineering at Cambridge University, UK, Director of The Center of Natural Material Innovation, Vice Master, Sidney Sussex Institute
Internationally know expert in Indoor Environment Quality, former lead of the Indoor Environment Quality and Health group at the EPFL Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory
Retired Professor of Building Physics and Director of EPFL Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory, former Chair of CISBAT
Full Professor of Architecture & Building Systems at the Institute of Technology in Architecture (ITA), ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Principal Investigator at the Singapore-ETH Future Cities Lab (FCL)
Lecturer in Engineering and Architectural Design at the Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, UCL Bartlett, UK
Assistant Professor at EPFL, Director of Civil Engineering and Technology for Human-Oriented Sustainability Lab (ETHOS)
Professor of Civil (Architectural) Engineering with courtesy appointment in Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University, USA, and a leading group member of the Center for High Performance Buildings, Purdue University, USA
Associate Professor in Environmental and Healthy Buildings at the Bartlett's UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering , where she is Deputy Director of Academic Operations, University College London
Associate Director of the Centre for Zero Energy Building Studies (CZEBS) and Professor of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering at Concordia University
Professor at the Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) , expert in Indoor Air Quality
Research and Teaching Associate at EPFL Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design (LIPID)